Most people are afraid to do inner work - article -


New member
Mar 17, 2008
Most people are afraid to do inner work. They fear their feelings and they fear what they might discover (negative) about themselves. So for the most part most people avoid the entire process…unless something happens, like a personal catastrophe, and they think they have no other choice.

Well the truth is even catastrophe is not enough to drive an average person in search of her/his being. Fear is clearly the first reason for this sort of avoidance. But there is a second reason that deserves our attention: Most people have no frigging idea of the real benefits of inner work (exploring a depth relationship with our individual Unconscious).

*I hope my language does not offend you. “Frigging” is as mild as I can get and it is a safe translation of what I actually mean here. I get intensely frustrated with the general population’s level of ignorance when it comes to this subject and am often reminded of the bumper sticker which reads: “If you think education is expensive, try ignorance.” We all pay a tremendous price both as individuals and as a society because we give so little time and effort to the exploration of our inner selves. But enough of my whining. Back to the point of this article.

Fear is never the best motivator for any kind of new behavior. It is short lived and it plays on our smallness. The best long term motivator for inner work is the expectation of wonder.

The expectation of wonder. This occurs when the inner seeker gets even a brief glance at the true treasure. From that moment on she or he will be like a deep sea treasure hunter who is willing to sell everything she has and use all her resources to pursue the mountain of gold and emeralds that lie within her own deepest self.

Trust me on this one. I am not kidding. I am serious about wonder and also about the treasure. Serious, committed, in-depth inner work can turn your life upside down (in a good way) and it can reach into your mundane and predictable life, pick you up and drop you into a land of real wonder, miracles and possibilities that you could not imagine except in your wildest and happiest dreams.

Here is a list of some of the wonders of inner work (exploring a depth relationship with our individual Unconscious). It is accurate but it is not exhaustive. This is just the beginning. The treasure is greater than I can describe.


1- Self-Awareness. Imagine that you probably have more self-awareness than the average person (because you are reading this article). Imagine that you are twice as self-aware as Mr. Average. Ok, even at that advanced stage you are still living at only a 12% level of self-awareness. There is a heck of a lot more to learn about you and every single bit of information will be useful and productive. You have just begun to read your Owner’s Manual. Imagine how effective you will be at operating your self when you really understand who and what you are.

2- Other Awareness. The key. THE KEY, to successful relationships with other people is self-knowledge. As they love to say in Gestalt Therapy, “It takes one to know one.” Everything you learn about your own inner feelings, thoughts, dreams, hurts, fears, confusions, and hopes will make you a better communicator, listener and accurate perceiver of other people. To state this in reverse, whatever you do not know about your self you will be unable to know about others. How can we expect to be successful parents, spouses, bosses and co-works if we operate at a 10% level of awareness? Can we drive a car with only 10% of our sight?

Inner work is the only really effective path to successful relationships. And it really works!

3- Healing. I have never met a person who did not have an inner wound. A heart wound, a soul wound, a wound that dramatically shapes and drives and limits who they are and what they can be. Inner work takes us to the source of the wound and then shows us the path to healing. Inner work can heal traumas, abuse, neglect, abandonment, and all varieties of suffering. Healing of this kind always lightens the mind and heart and increases our ability to experience joy and expanded possibilities for our lives. This kind of healing is in itself worth the entire journey inward. But it is only the beginning of what is possible.

In addition to inner healing, inner work can also play a central or essential part in healing physical diseases. You only need to visit any bookstore to find dozens of titles that attest to this truth.

4- Integrating the Shadow. The Shadow contains all those parts of ourselves that we don’t want to own. However, we need all our parts. When you read further into your Owner’s Manual you will see that human beings do not have excess or unnecessary parts. Yes, we may initially think some of what we are is negative or nasty but upon further exploration and understanding we find that everything has its place and purpose. Shadow work is a process of identifying our missing parts and restoring them to their functional and productive places in our being. Then we become more and more like a wheel with all its spokes. We roll smoothly along without so many bumps and bounces.

5- Your Purpose in Life. My personal and professional experience with inner work has led me to the strong conviction that every single one of us is here for a purpose. We all have gifts to share and a particular life to live that gives us the opportunity to share them. I am also convinced that inner work is the best and most trustable way to identify that purpose and then to discover the most creative ways to express it.

6- Spiritual Experience and Growth. I have never been satisfied with belief. To believe in God is only the barest beginning of the spiritual journey. By itself, belief is only worth the paper it may be printed on. I want and expect more than that. What I have always searched for is something beyond belief, something that makes all doubt disappear, something that fills my heart and my mind so fully that I never even think to ask if I believe. That thing is personal experience. One single moment of personal experience of God is worth more than all the books ever written about God. Personal experience cuts through all doubt, confusion and darkness. It makes real faith possible. It transforms an intellectual pursuit of the Divine into a passion of the heart and soul. That is what I have always sought and that is what I have found in my inner work. And the truth, the good news, is a deep and personal experience of God is waiting for anyone willing to do the inner work required. It is the highest and most rewarding treasure that a seeker can find.

7- Compassion for All of Humanity. Serious inner work is not isolating. It is only the uninformed person who fears that they might become trapped in selfishness if they spend too much time in introspection. The truth is that deep inner work always leads us to new levels of understanding and compassion for others. We cannot hate or live in prejudice and intolerance after we have looked carefully into the mirror of self. Judgment slowly crumbles and love for fellow humans takes its place. The world is always a safer and more compassionate place when you and I decide to look deeply into our own hearts. Always.
Not entirely sure where to put this, but it sure doesn't belong in health and fitness.
I heard , read and personally believe that our general health - have the deep roots in the brain and our state of mind ,...