mechanical , draining battery on my 2003 citroen picasso 1.6 desire


New member
Apr 18, 2011
whilst the vehicle is off? My warning light keeps coming on after the car has been turned over night saying the car has went into economy mode. I have renewed the battery as i thought this was the problem after the long winter we had but it was not this. Ive checked the alternator and this seems to be charging the battery at about 14.2 whilst running so this has made me think that something must be draining the battery whilst it is switched off , ive made sure the stereo and all lights etc are off and its still occuring. I disconnected the plug from the horn under the n/s headlight as it was sticking on during the cold nights, could this be draining the battery if the horn switch on the steering wheel is still faulty and stuck in the on position??? please advise as ive ran out of ideas without having to take it to the dealer for a pricy diagnostic check
you have an open circuit some where here is a few ideas
glove box light staying on boot light staying on
broken wire casing on the loom drawing power
unfortunately it is going to be trial & error going through
every thing in the mean time try disconnect the battery
overnight good luck
You mentioned the horn coming on at times, could it be your alarm that is faulty, or does that use another sounder. Alarms do sometimes drain batteries.
If you unhooked the actual horn, the action of the horn switch isn't the problem. Find the fuse box under the hood & see if there is a main fuse or circuit breaker for the accessories & pull it over night. IF the car starts okay the next day after returning the fuse, then one of the accessories is draining the battery. Then you start in the accessory fuse box inside the car & pull a different one of them each night until it starts okay, & you know which circuit has the drain.