Letter writing


New member
Mar 5, 2008
Re: I love receiving hand written letters!

Greetings fellow mortals... I am knew here. After years of avoiding it, I have finally given in to the power of the internet.

I have left school, and because I was an anti-social b*st*rd, I merely did my work at school, and then did the fun stuff out of school.

Anyway, I have a fondness of the old (not old people). I have recently purchased an old Remington typewriter. I have an almost Luddite aversion to emails. I use them only when necessary. However, as I didn't attempt to build a social life at school (I actually walked out half way through Year 13*), I was hoping a few like minded lads and ladies of letters would be able to engage in correspondence. I love letter writing, and I love receiving handwritten letters in the post, which is an increasing rarity nowadays. Anyway, if such a person is interested, please contact me through the private message facility, and we can discuss something from there. You can interrogate me until you trust me, and I sincereley hope that you can find it in your heart to trust a misanthropic, antisocial Luddite.

I hope at least 5-10 people reply. I want to have a written legacy to pass on to future generations. I have collected letters from my predecessors, and I hope to pass on my own to the future. We can form a club. Just imagine how cool and anti-establishment we will be... the hip letter writing kids in the email age.

*I was dismayed by the banal nature of the classroom. The teacher would open a PowerPoint (the bane of my existence), and we the compliant and intellectually neutered students would merely copy down what the Dear Teacher spoke in his dry, monotonous and uninspired voice. I have always been very self driven, so I did my A levels myself. Consequently, I am applying to Oxford University.
Absolutely nobody on here interested in writing letters to each other as part of a pen friend club? Think of the history you can hand down comrades