Last Thursday's Impact review & BFG Predictions (THIS IS GONNA BE LONG,...


New member
Dec 5, 2009

Ok, I just watched Thursday's Impact and I want to make a couple of comments, first off I really enjoyed the last man standing is was very hardcore and good thing Foley won, TNA are heading in the right direction this week's Impact got a 1.3 rating which is pretty decent. I like how Abyss is getting a HUGE push and I'm sure everyone wants to know who "they" are. The Main event was also promoted well, with Angle winning, and the Ev.2 and Fortune match has been greatly been promoted, These are the top 3 matches for Bound For Glory and they have been promoted really well! It's also great to see Mickie James be in TNA!

However there seems to be really one problem with TNA, but it's a HUGE one, that is poor management, for starters why does the show run out of time quite often?!! I mean come on, they need to manage the time correctly and they have too many commercials! I am also disappointed that only the 3 main events were promoted, how come 3 of the matches for Bound For Glory were only announced 3 days before the event?!!! I'm talking about the divas match, Ink Inc vs Eric Young and Jordon and the Handicap match, it's pathetic tbh there's no hype at all.. Then there's the fact that there were only 4 matches!! They should have made it a 3 hour show, so that they could have had time to finish the main event and add at least 2 more matches, the tag team match wasn't hyped at all!! Then there's the big disappointment, I know this isn't important but it Robbie E and Cookie, they were heavily booed and the crowd chanted "boring" so TNA decides to scrap it? WTF That's poor management, you gotta stick to the plan, It doesn't matter what the fans think, most of them bought free tickets anyway and are trying to ruin the show, I mean WWE doesn't give a damn what the fans think about Cena cause they know that the ratings are decent and that they sell enough merchandise, dvds etc. I'm not saying fans aren't important, but especially the TNA, most of them got a free ticket and are just trying to ruin the show, so they should have stuck to the plan

My Bound For Glory Predictions:

1-Kurt Angle will win, I don't see him retiring at all, and I don't see Mr.Anderson or Jeff Hardy winning in the main event at the biggest TNA PPV of the year.

2-RVD vs Abyss: I think Abyss will win this one, someone will somehow screw RVD, maybe "they" not sure, but I'm positive Abyss will win.

3-Ev2 vs Fortune: Ev2 is a bunch of ECW veterans basically, and Foley beat Flair on Impact, so I strongly see Fortune winning, they're a bunch of young talented guys, and I see them winning.

4-Team 3D's announcement: I think they'll retire, not sure

5-Samoa Joe and Jarrett vs Sting, Nash and Pope: I see Joe and Jarrett winning this one, it's a tight one, but I think they'll give the faces a win

6--Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me for the TNA Tag Team Titles: Generation Me will be the new tag team champions IMO, MCMG won last time, and I think Generation Me will get the needed push, it may not necessarily be a clean victory, not sure.

7--Jay Lethal vs. Douglas Williams for the X-Division Title: Well I'm not sure about this one, it could go either way, I'll just go with Jay Lethal cause he may need to keep that belt for some time to establish himself.

8--Angelina Love vs. Velvet Sky vs. Madison Rayne vs. Tara in a four-way match for the TNA Knockouts Title with Mickie James as the special referee: I honestly don't care about divas/Knockouts this is just a random guess, Angelina Love will retain..

9--Eric Young and Orlando Jordan vs. Ink, Inc: IDK why this match is on the card, it's pointless, but once again, I'm going for a random guess Ink Inc. will win and Young and Jordon will split up

10-Finally and most importantly for me who "they" are, honestly I got no clue and I can't even guess, well done TNA you have kept it exciting, let's hope it's something special and that live up to all these expectations!

BQ: What are you're predictions?
BQ: Do you think TNA have done a good enough job promoting this PPV?
BQ: 1.Mr anderson



4.i think they will reire to

5.joe and jaratt

6.generation me

7.jay lethal

8.madison rayne inc

10.i think they are to do with paul heyman.
My Predictions:

1- Anderson will win. Angle will not need to retire because Hardy is the one that will be pinned. Dixie will ask Kurt to stay to fight THEY.
2- Abyss will win. And THEY will be revealed. People expect THEY to be revealed at WHC, but Abyss said it will be at Monster's Ball. See comments below.
3- Fortune will win. It will be a mistake to stop pushing their young talent and let EV2 win. EV2 will disband to make room for new talent/wrestlers coming.
4- Not sure about this one either... but I think they will retire.
5- I think this will be a No Contest.
6- MCMG will win. They won the titles not too long ago. They should keep the reign.
7- Jay Lethal will win. Same issue with MCMG.
8- Angelina Love will retain. And BP will stay together.
9- Ink Inc should win this one and OJ and Eric may split.
10- There's a lot of speculations about this one. People keep saying THEY is Hogan/Bischoff. I don't think so.

Look at the latest video from TNA - Bound For Glory edition of TNA's Before the Bell.

You can watch it here:…

At 13:42, Abyss said:

"I have no repercussions... I have no feelings of guilt... I feel nothing... on taking TNA and turning it upside down on its head, with systematic extermination of EACH and EVERY MEMBER of the TNA ROSTER... and it started with Rob Van Dam."

At 18:58, Abyss said:

"On 10/10/10 at the Monster's ball at Bound for Glory, when THEY ARRIVE... WE will celebrate THEIR ARRIVAL with your termination. At Bound for Glory, I'm going to murder you!"

So Abyss is saying... they will ARRIVE and it will be during the Monster's Ball... So if THEY is Hogan/Bischoff and/or TNA guys, they are already there. No sense what so ever to expect an ARRIVAL!!!

So I think THEY will be Outsiders... it has been speculated that guys from AAA are coming to TNA. I'm not saying they are THEY, but it may be a combination of guys that recently left WWE, guys that were recently released from ROH and guys from AAA... probably backed by Bob and Janice or someone else with power.

About your second question... I think they have done a great job... but they could have done better. What TNA really have done AWESOMELY great is the THEY angle. Kept everybody guessing. They really did a good job on this one...
I agree with all but 4 and 5.

I think Sting Nash Pope will win

TNA is doing a great job promoting.

I really wanna know who "they" are!!!!