Kill Switch on a 2000 Honda Civic?


New member
Oct 5, 2011
I recently bought a 2000 Honda Civic. Around my neighborhood, these cars are the ones that are most stolen. I heard about a Kill switch. I want to know what does it do exactly? And where and how much will it cost to get it install in my car.
It depends how elaborate you want to go. Simple Kill Switch can run you about $5-$10 dollars. Basically it goes between the ignition and the starter, when switched off no power will go from the ignition to the starter. Place it in a area that is not common to hide one (like fender well) but some place you can reach too. Others have a battery cutoff switch which shuts power completely to your car, but you loose all settings for radio. I have both Battery Cutoff and Kill switch. Diagram below.

{BATTERY}-- (+)--------ignition system lead---------*SWITCH*---------starter