Is there an effective way to get a teenager off their cell phone?


Active member
May 13, 2008
I have to watch my sister's three kids until the upcoming Thursday, they have been here since Friday and they are driving me up the wall with their cell phone noises. They never get off them. When they eat, one hand on the food the other on the phone. I ask them to go outside. One of them will play basketball on my goal but one hand on the ball the other on the phone, the other two sit there on the sidewalk in front of my house on their phones.

Here is where it gets stupid. I have one bathroom. They take their phones into the bathrooms no matter what they are doing. So for things that should take maybe 3 minutes tops like brushing teeth, end up taking 20 minutes because they can't get off their phones.

They sleep next to them and even then they beep all night with those stupid text messages. Since they have been here I think I may have gotten 3 hours of sleep tops because of those god forsaken cell phones.

I personally have never owned a cell phone so I don't know how to turn the sound off on them and if I ask them to they usually tell me to deal with it or a less polite version of it.

I have threatened to take the phones away and they told me that if I did that they would call my sister and tell her I was abusing them and threatened them with a weapon. Which I would never do.

However I would not hesitate to throw these phones out the window and run them over until they break.

So how do I get these kids off the phones?