Is the gay community more of a bully than mainstream society?


New member
Apr 15, 2008
It seems as though the gay community is flexing their media and political influence to discredit and ruin the lives of any person that expresses an opinion contrary to the gay agenda. If a person says that they're against homosexuality then the gay community pounces on them like they don't have the right to be vocal about their own personal values. I have gay relatives and friends but when it comes to their sexual preference, i really disagree with it. Now, I never say anything because I know I will be made into the bad guy for not agreeing with homosexuality. I feel that as a straight man I dont need to go around flaunting it to the world, so why should I have to be subjected to so much flagrant displays of homosexuality. To me gay is wrong, but should I live in fear of losing my job, being ridiculed, and enduring peer pressure to accept gayness, just because I disagree with homosexuality? Are gays becoming the bullies in society now?
Why is it I can't turn the tv or radio on, grab a magazine, without seeing all that heterosexual propaganda being pushed on me everyday, talk about agendas. Think about that!
It's an interesting question.

First though, let's get this point about "disagreeing with homosexuality". What is there to disagree with? It can't be changed. Saying that you disagree with homosexuality is like saying you disagree that the grass is green, or saying that I disagree with black people. It is what it is and its not for me to agree or disagree

Have you ever read the book Animal Farm, by George Orwell? About how the animals strive for equality, but the pigs start abusing that equality and it ends with the assertion that all animals are equal, but some are more equal than others. There is a danger that certain elements of the gay community are heading the same way.

In most of the civilised world, we are getting ever closer to equality. It's been a sometimes slow and painful process, but worthwhile. However, I do worry about how far this push is going. In some areas, there is even a pseudo-nazi mentality that is pushing for gay people to be surpremists - and these people do have an agenda of their own, but it's not right to call it a "gay-agenda".

But fortunately, those crazy people are very much in the minority, and you're every day gay is just happy to be treated with respect and integrate into society, rather than deliberately try and stand out by claiming to be better.

There is no gay agenda.

I hope all homosexuals would pounce on everyone who opposes equal rights for homosexuals.

You do not need to accept homosexuality. You are fully entitled to your own opinions, as long as you treat me the way you would treat a heterosexual.
Some people in the gay community do that, just like people in the straight community do it towards gay people. It's a never ending cycle of people who think they are right.
There is nothing to agree or disagree with; sexuality simply is. It is nobody's choice what they are, no matter what some folks have you believe.

Also, you are within your right not to like the thought of homosexual acts, but ask yourself this: what sexual acts can be performed between two people of the same sex that cannot be done between people of the opposite sex?

When you think about it, there are none.

So does that make us bullies for being who we are? And for standing up for wanting human rights? I don't think so, but that's just me.
After all the bullying and abuse that homosexual people have suffered over the years I believe that they have every right to push back against a society that believes they shouldn't have the same rights in being happy that straight people do. I am straight but I'll happily stand up for homosexual people.

You have a right to your opinion, of course you do, just as I am right to my own. But you have to realize that homosexuality isn't going to go away, people have a right to be happy in whatever lifestyle they choose.

And like what Ned had said, there is nothing to agree or disagree to, you just either accept it or you don't.
I disagree with you being black. Stop pushing your black agenda onto me, i'm not racist but i strongly disagree with your black lifestyle choice.
I disagree with you being black. Stop pushing your black agenda onto me, i'm not racist but i strongly disagree with your black lifestyle choice.