Is religion getting out of hand to the point where it is recognized as a way of life?


May 22, 2008
My parents abandoned me when I was young and my aunt took me in. She was a christian and she forced me and my cousins to go to church EVERY Sunday. Of course I hated this because I was a kid and kids never really grasp the concept of religion. Now I am grown and in the military, I try to visit her at least once a year but every time I do I end up regretting it.
I regret visiting her because she is getting out of hand, I think she has become a religious nut. These were her exact words " Glad to see you made it back safe, I hope you are going to church and not converting to those other devil religions, you have to know that all other religions are cults except Christianity". This was the first time that I realized that my aunt is somewhat crazy. On top of that she forces me to go to church TWICE a week while I am on vacation. I told her I took vacation so I can relax but she doesn't care, and she actually told me if I dont go to church then I cant stay in her house.

So my question to you religious people is What makes you all think like this? Like seriously, why is it so important for us to follow your religion or else we become your enemy? Its bad enough that we are brainwashed as kids but dont you all have respect for grown ups? Would you like it if someone forced you to go the mosque, church or temple?

Me and my aunt dont speak anymore because I decided to be an atheist and I told her that I am tired of her brainwashing and single minded thinking. I told her I wanted to find the religion thats right for me and she just doesn't accept that. The last thing she told me was "you are going straight to hell for worshiping false idols"

Just imagine that, religion actually made two family members become enemies. I just went home to visit and now I have lost a family member.....smh. Sometimes I wish religion never existed because it only causes conflicts!
BTW I know not all religious people are like this, this questions is focused towards the extremists who were brainwashed themselves and live in their own little crazy world.
Religion has been a way of life for the last throusands of years, before humans become homo sapaians.

nothing has changed, get over yourself.

your the one making it harder to be freindly, by not accepting her belifes. so what if she dosnt accept yours? your just going to go arround saying shes brainwashing people?

grow up
at the same time you are generilizing when you say that "Is religion getting out of hand" You have to also think about the fact that she took you in when your parents abandoned you, you have to think about the fact that there is something there, true she does not know how to express the love of Christ in a matter that respects you but that's cuz she doesn't know any better, I hope this personal experience with your aunt does not turn you away from who christ is, If when you say religion, Christianity is your main target, there are many sincere and authentic examples of what the genuine love of Christ is all about, look for Christ apart from your aunt's badgering and maybe one day you'll be able to school her.
That is sad that people blame religion for what happens between them and others. If it wasn't religion, it would have been something else. Realize that this is probably what she used as a way to cope and didn't realize that she was going overboard. Of course you could have just left her in the first place, this was also your choice in life. You both need to strip away the religion and figure out exactly why you two don't get along. Again, if it wasn't religion it would be something else.