is anyone in eng 2 on Flvs and has to do hunt for humor?


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Assessment Instructions
Now it is your turn to "hunt for humor" in real life and explore how humor works and how it influences us. Think about your own personal experiences, movies you have seen, books you have read, favorite web sites that you visit, or talk with friends and family about their experiences to identify these devices in action!

Your task is to collect at least nine examples of humor. This assignment has three parts, and it is your final project for this unit.

Part 1: Capturing Your Artifacts

An artifact is anything created by humans that has cultural or personal significance. You can copy and paste, summarize, take a picture, or capture the actual artifacts in any way you wish.

In your search, be on the lookout for the following humor devices:

1.Verbal Irony
3.Situational Irony
4.Dramatic Irony
Make sure your examples are in fact humorous or contribute to the humor of the poem, song, commercial, etc. Include at least one example of each type of device. You can always include more than nine if your "hunt" is especially successful!

Variety in Artifacts

In your collection, you need to have examples from the following sources:

•one poem
•one newspaper or magazine article
•one advertisement or commercial
•one song
•one greeting card
•one comic strip
The remaining four examples can be from any type of writing that you want—you may use other poems, articles, advertisements, songs, comic strips, and greeting cards, or you may look other places such as books, conversations, personal experiences, web sites, street signs, posters, photos, bumper stickers, movies, music videos, etc.

Part 2: Examining the Humor

In this part of your project, you will demonstrate your ability to analyze how and why we create humor. For each artifact, please include the following in your explanation:

a.summary of the example
b.identification of the device that the artifact uses
c.discussion of the author or creator’s purpose in using that particular device in the way he or she did
d.evaluation of the success or failure of the humor device
Include details and explain your thoughts to demonstrate your deep knowledge of these devices and how they work. Your explanations should be in complete sentences and grammatically correct

Part 3: Showcasing Your Funny Finds

You may choose to present your collection in a variety of ways—this is your chance to be creative and impress yourself and your instructor! Aim for variety and visual appeal as you decide how you will capture and convey these instances of humor in your world.

Some ideas for you:

•multimedia slide show
•posters/scrapbooks (consider using Glogster or Scrapblog)
•images and text using photo editing software
•Web 2.0 tools

Plz help me