In 8th grade someone starts a rumor about me making them a man! What do I do?


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Just so you know, I've only kissed one guy, on the CHEEK. The guy never even got close to my cookie jar!
To go in to detail, the rumor says that the Friday before Thanksgiving break I went over to his house. Some guys say he banged me and said it was the best ever, and other guys say "I made him a man" or something like that.
And strangely, it's only guys hearing this rumor, literally not one girl heard it.
At first on Monday I didn't know about it and I was walking by a group of "popular" guys, some are my friends and most of them his. They were all giving me this strange half smile. I didn't do any thing but get a little confidence booster like "Bro they must think I'm cute!! mmm mmm mmm!"

But then I walked by some average guys, giving me the same look, but one saying "Oh, she's a DIRTY girl, you know what she did to him right?" Then they started whispering, and they all look at me with the BIGGEST smile on their face. I don't know what people are saying I did. But I overheard the Friday night thing from some nerds at breakfast. They said "Bro? You hear what they did? They banged all night long for six hours straight!" And on the straicase I hear "Yeah, Kenna, she MADE him a MAN."

What do I DO?? I'd never do this at this age! The guy and I actually had a history of liking each other and now THIS? I can't stand people thinking like this of me. What do you think? Do you think he started it?
Umm ignore it, guys are pigs. He's just bragging to make himself look like a big shot.
Just let it be like the movie Easy A!!!
Or you could spread a rumor about his small penis that you had to take for hours.
Or knee the next guy that talks about it in front of you.
Well...You could come up to him one time while he's hanging with his friends and say he got you pregnant. If the Maury Povich Show has taught me ANYTHING, a guy will always claim he's never even 'met' a girl if she says he got her pregnant.
he probably did to show off or someone blew it out of proportion and made something of it and he became speechless causing the guys to think it was true. you should confront him about it and if he did then you should make a big scene of you dissing him saying stuff like why would you ever do something like that with him, and if he says he didn't then don't think too much into it and continue to hang around him for further details and to not cause ppl to think you're easy. but it's just a rumor it happens in middle & high school it's part of life the only other way for ppl to take their mind off of it, b/c i doubt they'll forget, is to have someone start another dirty rumor about someone else.