(im not trying to argue, I want real input please!) If grocery store dog foods are


New member
Feb 7, 2011
so horrible...? Currently I feed my dog a grain free dog food. (Taste of the wild) I’m not trying to be "cheap" and I want what is best for my dog. I would like some proof and explanation to some questions please.

1) If grocery store brands are so horrible then why do dogs that eat them live so long? My friend has a 14 year old saint Bernard and he is healthy as can be. He eats kibbles and bits. good coat, lots of energy (plays with my 2 year old dog), no health problems yet. That’s good for a large breed dog of that age. His only problem is he has bad teeth but that’s because he has never had his teeth brushed EVER and doesn’t get any chew toys (never liked them).

My other friend has a yellow Lab, they get him a different brand almost every bag (they get what ever is on sale). He is 17 and plays like a puppy some times, healthy as can be except some arthritis (and at 17 that’s to be expected!) but he gets meds for that and is going strong.

---So why if grocery store brands are so horrible, do dogs live so long and healthy eating them?

2) I agree that if a dog is allergic to corn its bad and shouldn’t be fed. BUT if the dog isn’t allergic, how is it any worst than white rice? I know dogs don’t need grains (that’s why my dog is on grain free right now) but other "good" brands still use grains. Like Blue Buffalo (it has brown rice). Why is corn so much more horrible than other grains if the dog isn’t allergic?

3) How long have "quality" dog foods like taste of the wild, orijen.. ect been around? Purina has been around forever and their dog chow hasn’t ever been recalled... But blue buffalo was!

Again im not looking for excuses to change brands. I want answers to these questions because they don’t add up. Grocery store brands are "bad" im told left and right, then why do so MANY dogs live to be 14-17 years old (and healthy) eating them?? Yes they are healthy i have looked at them myself and been to their vet (who promotes Evo not SD, shocking huh?).

I hope some one can enlighten me!

"the makers of the beloved Go! and Now) have shown that corn actually has a higher digestibility than rice." --- I have read this too.

When I said that purina dog chow hasnt been recalled i meant the actual "purina dog chow" I know other purina products have been recalled, but not "purina dog chow".

"Ethoxyquin: This deadly preservative is banned for use in human foods but is commonly added in commercial dog foods." --- One of the big reasons I dont use grocery store brands.

As for dogs pooping less on better brands, that I dont agree with. when i got my dog the breeder had him on purina and i kept him on that for a few months before i found all this out and switched to blue buffalo. he pooped WAY more and it spelled WAY worst than purina poo... totw poo is solid but man is there ALOT of it!

as for the comparison to smoking, i dont think that fits. Smokers are unhealthy day in and day out. take a wiff of their clothes or look at their skin, eyes, hair, teeth, gums, throat, ect they may be alive but they arent HEALTHY. not at all.
I cant say my dogs coat has looked better or wost and he has been on quality kibble and more crappy ones. coat has stayed the same through out.
Just called my friend. Sorry his SB is only 9 1/2. not 14. could of sworn the vet said 14... must have mis heard or remembered wrong.
***** So why with grain free dog food, the occasional raw bone and meat scraps (chicken, ham, turkey... whatever i buy that week -no bones) does his poo REAK and he poos about 3-4 times a day? and these are all BIG piles? I mean, it seems everything going in is coming out.. maybe a little more so!

-- the only plus to grain free so far is that it is a constant solid poo, no on and off soft/mushy poo...