I'm allergic to my fiance's dog...I absolutely love the dog and would never ask my


May 16, 2008
fiance to give him up but..? I break out in a rash anytime the dog even rubs up against me or gets his saliva on me. My fiance is moving into a new house next month and I mentioned that the dog not be allowed on furniture or in the bedroom because I would never be able to live with dog hair, saliva, and dander all over the couch and on the bed when we get married. The dog has been allowed in all of these places (much to my chagrin) at his previous house but now that he is moving I think it's time to establish a behavior change..even though this SO should have been done from the time the dog was a puppy. And before anyone recommends allergy shots or medicine, I already did allergy shots a few years ago and take claritin, etc when i'm around the dog but it doesn't do a thing. So, basically my question is, am i being unreasonable by asking all of this????? My fiance just goes over and coddles his dog any time i mentions it and begins apologizing to the dog about how mean i'm being. I would never want him to give the dog up but i don't feel like i'm asking too much to make life bearable with something i'm highly allergic to...
also, since this dog has been an inside dog, it would be unfair to the little guy to make him an outside dog all of the sudden
No, I think keeping the dog off furniture and out of the bedroom is not unreasonable. You are going to be married and you are going to have to live with the dog and he should do what he can to accommodate you, especially since you have already tried allergy shots and medications. These are reasonable steps and you are not asking him to put the dog outside or get rid of it.

I would suggest frequent bathing of the dog to reduce dander and of course you know about vacuuming I'm sure.