I had a premonition about 9-11?


New member
Apr 17, 2010
I was only like 6 years old at the time. I remember I was in the school cafeteria when I saw a man with a tv in the corner. The man had his back turned to me. He had something in his hands, and it looked like he pushed a button. Then on the tv I see a plane hit these towers. At the time I didn't know a thing about terrorists or the WTC. I looked down and looked back up and both the tv and man were gone. When I got home my mom was freaking out and I see the planes hitting the towers on tv. This memory has never left me, and my mom said afterwards I would always talk about the man. A few years later I found something on premonitions and now I believe that's what I had. I have dreams sometimes that come true... But I wasn't asleep on that one. And yesterday something just made me type in 9-11 on Youtube. I watched the planes hit again and I just started crying. That premonition makes me feel so connected to what happened, but I don't know anyone in New York or anything. I want to know why I saw what I did. Was it from God? If so, why would he give me a vision like that and why am I so concerned about it now? The last days are here, could that have something to do with it?
It's no premonition

But if you are asking a question in our section, then while you're here I invite you to those who run towards heaven by the obedience of only One God, and who run from hell by disobedience towards every idol and shaytan, those who fight against corruption and tyranny, and those who encourage the law of god on earth
