I got yelled at for expressing my opinion and trying to helpful...over the...


May 14, 2008
...internet?!? Okay, so I reviewed this story on fanfiction.net. It was an OC x Main character fic, and in my review I told the author what a Mary-Sue was, and gave some sources as to what a Mary-Sue was and how not to make your character a Mary Sue because I wanted to help ( and cause her character was becoming one). THEN, a person who also reviewed the story (quite rudely too, if I might add) sent me a private message telling me I didn't know what I was talking about. The message went like this :

"Saw a review you left on "Because I Said So," because I get bored and look at other reviews of fics I have reviewed, and you don't know what a Mary Sue is at all, even though you used a bunch of sources. It's not that at all."

And so then, I replied exactly like this :

Um thanks for your opinion? xD
Well, I think that instead of rudely telling the author that they're wrong, I think it would be better instead to offer advice. And that's what I think a Mary Sue is.
However I do appreciate your opinion. You think what you think and I'll go ahead and think what I think. Deal? Okay good.

I felt a little guilty, but should I really? Nope. Because once I think about it, what right did said person have, to read over the reviews of a story they didn't create, track down a person and then tell them You are wrong. I am Right?

Just wondering if you've ever had any similar experiences or if you think I replyed to rudely or something. Cause I am felling just a bit guilty.