I desperately need some advice about my puppy, he cries and whines?


New member
Oct 3, 2011
I have an 8 week old puppy, and we got him yesterday. He is adjusing very well, except when he is left alone. even in the day, when we leave him in his playpen, and walk off, he starts to cry, panic, and whine within 30 secondsor a minute. is this normal? Night time is the worse. We put him in a crate with a comfortoable bed and a blanket, but he continues to cry and whine all night.\i'm really frustrated, i've read that we should just leave hin and let him whine, we did that, but then last night he pooped in his crate. He's also not pooping a lot, and when he has, its mostly inside the house. what do I do? Also, i'm really frustrated, i've read that we should leave a puppy alone when he cries and whines, but my parents keep running to him and talking to him, and taking him out right away. what do i do
Your puppy is a baby at 8 weeks and is used to being with his mother and littermates. Now he is alone and his whole world has changed. It is best to leave puppies with their mothers until they are at least 10 to 12 weeks old. They will still have a period of adjustment but will be a bit more independent. Puppies don't come house trained, especially at his age. You need to get a really good book on raising a puppy and I recommend something by Brian Kilcommons, Good Owners, Great Dogs, or several others he has written. They are available on Amazon.
If he is whining, it is due to him being lonely, scared, bored, or needing to use the bathroom. My advice is to get him as tired as possible each day, letting him run and play often, so that at night he collapses into a healthy deep sleep. Also, make sure he has used the bathroom before securing him for the night. If the whining continues, it is probably due to loneliness, and I would have him sleep with/near you at night, let him know someone is close by. If he has taken to any toys or noises-like a piece of clothing or the ticking of a clock, put those by him to make him more comfortable.
If the breeder didn't do their part in separating littermates from eachother and mama at least 2 weeks prior to going home, you will have a pup with anxiety. Imagine your puppy as a little baby. What do you do if a baby cries? Comfort it, right? Don't provide your attention when it cries. Instead, invest in an object that'll entertain and soothe them until they fall asleep. Perfect toy is called a Kong Ball. It's an indestructible ball that you can fill with flavored pastes or treats. Puppy will be entertained until they sleep. Rawhide chews or bones for puppies helps their teething habits and prevents them from boredom. In regards to pooping in the house. You have an 8 week old puppy. Imagine, for each month of your puppies life, they can hold their pee and poop for 1 hour comfortably. At 8 weeks, your puppy will need to potty after eating, sleeping and playing. It will not sleep all night long. Therefore, when it awakes during the night, it will go. They are not yet old enough to understand the concept of holding it. A smaller fitted kennel can help them want to hold it longer. By the time they are 4 months old, your puppy will most likely be kennel trained. House training should be fully successful by 8 months of age. Try making sure your puppy cannot eat or drink at least 2 hours before you go to bed. Make sure you take them out directly before you sleep. So... Chewy bones or fillable toys will help puppy self soothe. Crying should cease within 2 weeks. Your puppy will adjust to your schedule.
Yes, this is normal. (The whinning an crying). He misses his mama & siblings. First of all,(if I were you) I'd let my parents know that this puppy is your responsibility, and that he will never learn if they keep getting him out when he fusses. Dogs are social animals by nature and don't like being alone, so try to keep him in your room if you can- maybe you can place an old towel under your bedroom door so your parents won't hear him as much. One thing you may want to try is to get a small clock that makes a ticking noise (it will remind him of his mamas' heart beat) and place it in something soft, because he will more than likely want to lie close to it. This should comfort him some. Remember he is just a little baby. Go to the dollar store an buy him a pack of puppy pads, they are by the dog food. Place one where you want him to go.Away from his food. Then In the mornings when he first gets up put him on it,if he wanders off it just put him back on it. Do the same thing after he eats & drinks. If and when he uses the pad make a big deal about it,With lots of praise. It may take up to a week for the crying to stop, be calm but firm with him. GOOD LUCK:)
You should definitely tell your parents to stop. The best way to stop the crying is leaving him alone. Like a kid throwing a tantrum, you don't want to encourage that behavior by coddling him. As for the pooping in the crate, make sure his crate is small enough. He should only be able to stand and lay down in it comfortably, and that's it. Any more room and they're liable to use part of it as a potty.
I know it's very hard to resist cuddling him when he's crying, but it's for the best.