How to have a good nutrition?


May 18, 2008
How to have a good nutrition for a runner?
I am currently 17 years old going into senior year. I have been running cross country and track for quite sometime and am wanting to excel a great amount and go on to college and then run even more past that.

I am an extremely healthy eater, I haven't eaten/drank these next things in the past 4 years; fried foods, candy, sodas, and etc.

I'm also trying to stay away from hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils and the hydrolyzed proteins (hidden trans fats)

I am basically looking for a huge list of foods that I can eat that will give me good nutrition for running vitamins and minerals and won't hurt me at all.

So if you could give me a list of bars and drinks that snacks along with certain food you make and guide lines of certain restaurants to go to and to avoid.
