How to get rid of tight neck/chest muscles?


New member
Nov 13, 2011
I had an anxiety attack a few days ago..went to ER they did tests and said I was fine. But I have tense neck muscles and shoulder muscles, that feels like its putting pressure down on my chest if I relax them.
A lot of shoulders rolls, rotating your neck, and you could alternate ice packs and heating pads, and ibuprofen also helps.
Pour some Epsom salt in a hot bath and just lay and relax in there. The Epsom salt and heat should help your muscles relax. If you have anyone that would be willing to rub on your pain areas I would ask them to rub on you after your bath when the muscles are relaxed a bit. If you don't have anyone and you are on your own, get a tennis or ratchet ball, put it on the floor, lay on top of it with your back on the ball, move around on top of it until you find where it is hurting, once you find the painful area, stop moving around and just lay your back on top of the ball and leave it in that one spot for a little while. This should make the muscle relax and give out releasing the tension. Good Luck!
Yoga or meditation really help me relax most of my muscles. You can also go on google and fine some relaxation methods which are made specifically to relax muscles.

Good luck.
You might be deficient in your vitamins. Magnesium is necessary for the proper functioning of muscle and nervous tissue. It is required as a cofactor for approximately 90 enzymes. A good source of magnesium are green leafy vegetables. Is your Iron intake balanced? The recommended daily intake of iron is 10 mg per day for men. The body of an adult contains on average 4 grams of iron, over half of which is contained in hemoglobin in the red blood cells, the rest being distributed between myohemoglobin in muscles, cytochromes, and iron stores in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin. If your persist your doctor can give you a muscle relaxer. I like to use Anais Anaia cologne as a none narcotic muscle relaxer, it works fast. You can also try some Milk of Magnesia as a Magnesium supplement, it works really good. I'm surprised that your doctor didn't prescribe Diazepam it is a muscle relaxer and treats anxiety.