How to come out saying your unsure of your religion?


New member
Apr 7, 2012
Please read this, I know it looks long, but I promise it will go by fast :)

My mom's side of the family is Christian and my dad's side is Buddhist. I grew up more on the lessons of getting good grades than looking for support from a god.

For the past 7 years, I thought I was Christian. Back in elementary school, I use to go vocational bible school at a baptist church for a week after school ended for five years. I'm kind of ashamed of saying this, but I went there because it was a lot of fun because I played sport activities there with new people which was fun and there was amazing refreshments >.< . I wasn't educated about God from my mother much, so I didn't know the reasons and history about Jesus and God. I realized in 5th grade that my "belief" in God was different than my Christian friends.

In middle school, I just claimed that I was Christian, so no one would make fun of or something of that sort. In 8th grade, I began to learn about religions from world history class and I started to become interested in Buddhism.

My older brothers (2 of them) knew they didn't believe in God at this point (I think they are atheist, I don't know) when I was about to enter high school and my older sister (only one) knew she was Christian.

Now, in high school: I live in a suburban area where I can say about 95% of my school is Christian or Catholic. My friends want me to go this after-school christian church group , but I don't want to be there if i'm not Christian because I believe it's wrong. I want to "fit-in" with my friends at school, but I know that I don't believe in Christianity and I don't want to go along with something I don't believe in. I want to come out saying to my friends, but I don't know what I should say. My close friend (She's Roman Catholic) only knows about my situation (My parents don't know either) and she told me that she understands my situation.

l'm not sure if i'm Buddhist or not, but I know that i'm not Christian, so right now i'm unsure. I want to tell my friends that I don't believe in a certain religion yet, so what should I say?

I'm sorry this was long, but understand me please.