How often are women equally protective of men?


Jun 3, 2008
We all know plenty of men would attack and beat up men who abuse women. But how often does a woman beat up a woman who attacks men (beat up as in seriously damage and possible black eyes)? How often does a woman play the hero role?

I believe ALL women are abusive. Either they throw drinks or slap or make him sleep on the couch or punch his arm.

Most women are not even careful with men's bodies and end up kneeing them in the testicles. What annoys me is they giggle whereas a man would NEVER laugh at a woman's pain in the breats or ovaries.

nor are women ever equally protective fo their men.

Nor have I ever seen a woman do the protective things men do for wives, and even friends such as giving up seats(and standing uncomfortably on buses for hours), getting the car in the rain,giving up jackets, carrying heavy objects, walking home, driving her home, calling a cab to take her home safely, carrying her when she falls down , calling to make sure she got home safely, holding doors, paying, walking street side and positioning himself in between her and any vicious dog or threat.

Even in relationships a man gives more massages, gives up his jacket, gets the car when its raining, gives up shoes if hers breaks, gives up food, gives up the safer car, gives up the health insurance, checks on the noise downstairs, drive in unsafe conditions, gives up his umbrella, gives up his seat, has security systems installed for her, walks her home, drives her home, calls her a cab, gives more in general, calls to make sure she got home safe, comes over in the middle of night to take care of her, does more to cheer her up, carries her heavy packages, picks her up form the bus station at night,saves her and her car from a ditch, makes her feel safe, carries her when she falls down. He is more likely to step in between her and vicious dog or take a bullet for her than vice versa. He gets a vasectomy so she can avoid a tubal( vasectomies are safer the tubals but a vasectomy carries the risk of YEARS of discomfort and pain(what type of woman would let a man risk that)-one guy said even if it was more unsafe he would still take the pain for his wife-no woman thinks like that).

And can a woman be more caring, giving, loving and be his emotional protector?

can she be equally protective,loving, giving ,nurturing, emotionally protective,and never hit or throw drinks at him?