How do i know if I'm falling in love with my best friend (same sex)?


New member
May 24, 2011
We have been best friends for about a year now (friends for 3)... and we recently got into a fight and haven't talked in about a month. She is honestly all i can ever think about (I'm a girl too). While we were best friends we had some experiences that could be considered bi or lesbian activities... we have never kissed or anything, but other things have happened. A couple of my close friends say they can see us together and say they can see her being lesbian and me "experimenting". Looking back i feel like we used to flirt with each other a lot and we shared some pretty intimate moments with each other... whenever we touch too its just... weird. there is like energy going though the both of us and our heartbeats match up (usually while under the influence, but also sober). She hasn't dated anybody in 3 years and i haven't dated anybody in 2 years. I honestly do feel like we were attracted to each other but then again i feel like i could be over analyzing things. She trusted me with everything and I trusted her with everything also. we spent all summer with each other last summer, practically everyday... and her family was like my family and same the other way too.. we were also extremely "sexually open" with each other. The other thing is that i don't find myself attracted to any other girls... but when i see her my whole world freezes. The other thing is that i don't know if i should talk to her or wait until she comes to me. she has always been the moody one and kind of dominated our relationship.

just give me whatever input you have. about me being lesbian or being in love with her or about moving on or sticking with this or yeah. anything will do. thanks!
Go for it say soemthing... youve got nothing to lose cause youve fallen out anyway so you should definately approach her cause it sounds like you ve got a really close relasionship :)
XD if you like her you like her!! as For Being a Lesbian!! again if you like her you like her!! and if you lke her well you like her ... Stick with it!! Go For it!! nothing can stop you!!