How do I get rid of stinky dishes?


New member
Mar 4, 2011
Ok, here's the deal... I just moved into a new apartment and for the first time in my life I do not have a dishwasher. So I am having to wash everything by hand. But for some reason, my glasses smell funny after they've been cleaned and dried! I don't get it... I wash them first since glasses tend to be the least dirty when it comes to dishes, so the water they're in is clean and super hot. I let them soak in water hotter than I can stand it (as hot as it gets) for at least 10 minutes before washing, I use lots of soap, rinse with hot water... but they still have this smell to them. It's not horrible, but it kind of makes you think twice about how clean the glass is if you smell it when drinking from it. I'd hate to have guests over drinking from my glasses and that thought run through their mind. Does anyone know how to get rid of this problem? Something I can add to the water? Thanks!
Get a bottle of cheap white vinegar, dilute it w. twice as much water, and w. a new wash cloth or sponge, use it to swish around in your glassware after you have rewashed it. Rinse well, air dry. This works for me, hope it helps you.