Help with with names.! lol?


May 16, 2008
I am expecting in March.! We have decided on not knowing the sex of the baby until our little love is born. Here are our top 2 choices for boy and girl names. I am very big on nicknames and have included them lol, tell me what you think of those too.! Thanks in advance. :)
Sydnee Renne - Syd, Nee, Neddi

Jaycee Lynn - Jay, Jay Jay, Cee, Cee Cee

Reese Thomas - RT (R T)
Reese Treysen - RT (R T)

Reid Iva - Ri (Ry)
Reid Ian - Ri (Ry)
Reid Treysen - RT (R T)

Just a little insight on why these names, I have loved the names Sydnee, Reese and Reid for a long time now. My first name is Tracy, nickname Tray, I thought it would be super cool to name my child after me, but not the exact name. Thats where Treysen comes in lol. My husbands name is James and Jaycee is the combo of both our names with his mothers name as the middle. This is my frist child and although its so super exciting.! I wonder if I'm making a mistake on any of the names lol.! I cant take it back once its done haha