Help! My <6 w/o kitten throws up clear mucus, normally overnight?


May 13, 2008
Please Help.....i recently rescued a kitten from a tree. She is roughly no more than six weeks old now. She was very clean physically, ears and stool were also clean.She adapted to people well and loves to cuddle and sleep with me. so I dont know if she was dumped or just abandoned by the mother. She is very active, sleeps well at night until now.After having her for a week she has started to have problems. She had 2 loose stools light brown in color two days ago. I had briefly switched can cat food by mistake and figured it may be that. My main concern is vomitting. Two nights ago she threw up a small amount of clear mucus twice (overnight only) again tonight she vomitted a small amount of clear mucus like between 3 and 5 am. Is it possible she is hungry since she is so young and hasnt eaten since about 10 pm the night before? She has not been to the vet yet since she is too young to have her first shots and such. I did contact the vet but I am unable to have her seen. Also, my family members and I have recently.come down with a cold, so is it possible she has caught it? I dont believe she has ingested any foreign objects unless it was a small piece of carpet or something I didnt notice, but I think its weird she only does this overnight. Please share any advice you can. I am coming very concerned without being able to take her to the vet but will take her to the vet e.r if I have to. Thank you.