Help Me With These Unexpected New Fish?


New member
Jun 1, 2008
So I had my ten gallon all set up with gravel, a filter, a heater, and treated water. I was planning on going through with a fishless cycle when my brother, as a surprise, gave me two platies along with some tetra safestart. I've heard of people cycling with platies so now I'm trying to cycle with them.

I've seen one of the platies have white, stringy poop and both are rubbing themselves against the tank walls. I imagine that this is due to the high ammonia/nitrite levels going on in the tank (though hopefully it will be less toxic than normal since I used Safestart...?).

I did a 10% water change this morning. Is there anything else can I do for these poor fish? The temperature is 80F and the fish were eager to eat this morning and are swimming normally.

I don't have a test kit currently to measure the nitrate/ammonia levels.