He dumped me over text... still has my dvd and I miss him?


New member
Jun 10, 2013
I had a feeling this was coming.... He started to blame everything on me.... Basically told me I can't do better than cheaters and how he found someone better. And it all started because I didn't reply back to his text message. I am a shy person so I hardly ever held his hand first. We held hands but he would grab my hand first. We never had sex.

He never did kiss me. I have the worst luck with men. He isn't a very nice person after all. He brought up birth control a few days ago and when I said I wouldn't get on the pill he said he wouldn't be with some long term or marry someone who wasn't on it Every time we would hangout it was at his house in his bed. It wasn't even a month of dating...

Apparently seeing him two days a week isn't enough. I feel like I can never find better. I always end up with assholes. He is 29 and immature... Still has my led zeppelin DVD.


He said I had no reason to get upset over his period comment I hate being alone.