Have you heard of many celebrities who are weird about "regular" people...



...making eye contact with them? I worked as a clerk in a fancy hotel in Jersey for a spell, and one day when no-talent "J Lo" (or J something else that rhymes with Lo as I like to call her lol) shows up to stay, before she arrived I was instructed to make absolutley no eye contact with her, and not even to look at her. So naturally I stared and gawked the whole time! Hahaha... Anyway she was a royal you know what to all of us there at the hotel, it was very revealing really...

On another note, I have heard that even the people that work WITH Michael Jackson onstage are not to make any eye contact with him unless it's during a performance. One person who has reported this is Sheryl Crow, she was a backup singer for him for a year or two I believe. What do you think? Have you ever heard of this strange no eye contact issue? For a person who profits off of being in the lime light, so to speak, I wouldn't think they'd have any problem with "regular" people just looking at them, for heaven's sake!