Has anyone TTC heard of or tried "green smoothies" for healthy conception nutrition?


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Has anyone TTC heard of or tried "green smoothies" for healthy conception nutrition?

They're a super great way to 'cheat' for nutrition. They're packed with the antioxidants, vitamins & nutrients of fruits and veges, and they taste awesome!! Since the produce is blended, there's a high oxygen content in the smoothie (great for battling free radicals) and the nutrients and vitamins actually begin to absorb into your body when its first in your mouth!

To make your own smoothie: blend a handful of greens (kale, chard, spinach, butter lettuce, dandelion greens, beet tops) with 1/2 cup water or juice (I like to use fresh carrot juice). Blend for 1 minute until liquid. Then add any fruits you would want to make a tasty smoothie (my favorites are: 1/2 cup pineapple, 1/2 cup mango, & 2 bananas or 1 peach, 1 lemon, 1 banana, & 1/2 cup cranberries or blueberries). Then add 1 heaping teaspoon ground flax seeds (gotta love those mercury free omega 3's!) and 1-2 teaspoons of organic cold-pressed olive oil. You can't even taste the greens and the oil/flax.

I buy all of my berries and tropical fruit frozen at the organic food store which makes it so much easier since its all chopped up for me and gives my smoothie that icy texture. Also I buy my flax pre-ground since I don't have a coffee grinder.

I'm starting to drink 32 oz. smoothie for breakfast every day and eat some whole grain toast after. It gives me tons of energy so I don't feel bad when I'm skipping the caffeine and its helps me make sure I get enough fruits and veges in my diet. You girls should try these!! I've read miracle stories and I know we all want our own little miracle. : )

Just a thought.