GNC Pro Performance Amplified Mass XXX?


New member
Jan 12, 2012
So me and my friend started lifting weights 2 weeks ago. I was looking online and everywhere I looked there was talk about the need for a high amount of protein in a daily diet to increase muscle mass. My goal is to look like one of those ripped Hollister model guys (or as close as I can get. I dont want to be that thick guy with muscle hidden under a big layer of fat. So I came across a product called Whey and everyone seemed to write pretty highly of it. My friend suggested we go to GNC to buy it. When we got there I told the employee we wanted to gain muscle and that we came to buy Whey. The employee then told us thay whey is garbage and what ws really needed was the "Mass XXX" product. Since I dont know anything about protein supplements I purchased their product. My question is, will this help me reach the goal I mentioned? And if not, what product(s) will?

Here's a little personal info if it helps: I am 5'9, 170 pounds, I run 1 mile every morning, lift weights for 50 mins at night and run another quick mile immediately afterwards. I eat twice a day (lunch and dinner) and the meals usually consists of either eggs, chicken, fish, vegetables, cereal, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich
If you want more size, the amplified mass will help you get in more calories. But if you're already happy with your weight and just want to get that cut/lean look, then you should not have bought his product b/c it will just make you gain weight. I wish the employee would have asked you the pertinent questions instead of trying to push their products.

On a quick note, whey powder is not a waste of time. Now you can get lean protein from real sources from food, which is true but powder is convenient for breakfast and when you're on the run, so I would not say it's completely useless.

Hope that helps. If you need more tips on supplements, I can be reached on my inbox below. I'm not the biggest supplement guy but do know a few things (protein, pre-workouts, creatine etc). The main thing is to focus more on your overall diet and routine.

Oh btw, if you do want to get bigger, eating twice a day may not be enough calories. Here is my channel below.
Check out these references.

"No and no lol Amp mass XXX is crap youve just gained water weight most likly and sp250 is debatable i didnt like it"

"Whenever I take xxx I get a real unsettling feeling and for some reason I always feel sick after"

"I just bought Amplified Mass XXX and it says to take 4 scoops but I find it to be very thick and a lot to drink. I took it twice and both times I got very nauseous and wound up throwing it all up 30 minutes after I took it."

You can find out about supplements by Googling the name in quote followed by negative words such as "sick" or "crap" or "awful" or "scam"...etc. and checking the result. That's a good way to find out the truth instead of just reading phony reviews, advertising, etc.

For more about the biggest myth in bodybuilding, read the following.

Read my answer about protein supplements here -->;_ylt=AtGdwn5cqfesP6O1LkavjSjty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110821092640AA3hq12

Read my answer about how much protein you need -->;_ylt=AocOxl_9XssWhHrAUe8xbxrty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111220215008AA0RjXM

Read my answer about supplements here -->;_ylt=AmA35VDViBrL0y9rSkKcLknty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111001134224AANB0OV

Read my answer about supplement scamming here -->;_ylt=Aii1OzUVjBo7o550CXhmvVbty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20111014151252AAak0J4

Read my other answer about supplement scamming -->

Watch this video -->

Good luck and good health!!

Firstly, eat at least 3 times a day. It's the universal opinion that eating 2 times a day is bad.

Secondly, you don't need supplements, save your money. None of them have any sort of guarantee (it's impossible since all it would take is a guy with bad genetics to sue them for not fulfilling it). So now put yourself in a store owners shoes. An impressionable man walks into your store and asks what he needs to buy. You recommend him something. If it works for him, he'll spread the word and increase your sales. If it doesn't, you'll sell him something else. Either way you win.

Thirdly, just work out and eat enough protein to facilitate muscle growth and you'll be fine.
unfortunately your first problem is you shop at gnc. please stop shopping there and go to your local supplement superstore. you do not have to be a nutrition specialist to work at gnc,however all of the employees at supplement superstore are nutrition specialists. that being said all along with my own experience I would like to help you. the product you have purchased will do exactly what you don't want it to do judging from your body type in your goals. the products you will need are as follows : Phormula 1(this is 100% hydrolized ultrabioavailable protein. (Not all proteins are the same) And also if you so choose a pre workout supplement. I prefer a muscle fortress product so I'd recommend muscle spike. That or n.o. explode. If you have any further questions as far as nutrition I would be happy to help. I've gained 15lbs of pure muscle in a month and Maxed out at 185 on bench at the begining of may. Last Thursday I put up 260 but the products I recommended to you are only two of 5 products that allowed me to do so. All legal, all at supplement superstore.