*Genocide in Darfur* Is my Information accurate?

Apr 1, 2008
I need to know.
Its about something very serious that is happening in the world.
I believe student need to know.
Im hoping it will get published in my school newspaper.

In early 2003, a rebel group known as the Sudan Liberation Army attacked the Sudan’s government air base located in the capital of the North Darfur State, in the Nation of Sudan, East Africa. The rebels destroyed military vehicles and stole heavy weaponry and large amounts of ammunition. In response to the attack, the government of Sudan mobilized the armed forces and the militia, now known as the Janjawid- armed and trained by the Sudanese government. These events were one of the main events that sparked future problems that led to the Darfur genocide.

After the attacks, the Sudan Liberation Army along with the Justice and Equality Movement continued attacking the Sudanese government by destroying villages, towns, government buildings, and killing hundreds of civilians. The attacks also caused the deaths of hundreds of law enforcers, leading to a collapse of law and order in the Darfur region. They continued fighting against the government-supported Janjawid militia, in order to win a democratic government.

Meanwhile, the government forces and the Janjawid were doing everything possible to keep the Sudan Liberation Army under control. They ravaged the land so people wouldn’t farm; they drained and wrecked wells, burned fields, and destroyed homes. The conflict between groups only intensified until it grew out of control. Famine, the lack of water, draught, and disease are all factors that have made the situation worse.

The Janjawid are responsible for most of the killings. They have been terrorizing the innocent civilians of Darfur, raping women, killing babies and wiping out whatever comes in their path. Thousands flee the Janjawid attacks, but many people are not lucky enough to escape the evil hands of the Janjawid.

Since 2003, thousands of people have died of starvation, violence, and disease. Women have gone through many horrific things in Darfur. They are at high risk of being raped or kidnapped by the Janjawid militia. More and more children are becoming orphans, and babies are dyeing due to starvation. Over 200,000 people have died.

Millions have fled the war zone, some fled to camps near Darfur’s main towns while others ran away to the safety of the neighboring nation of Chad. Around 2,500,000 people have been driven out of their homes and into refugee camps. Camps are not always safe; no one can go outside the camp without risking rape or death from both the government forces and the rebel militia. Janjawid attacks often target humanitarian workers and aid vehicles, blocking the passage for food and medicine to the refugees of Darfur.

Peace talks between the United Nations and the Sudanese government have happened, but they have had little effect. Till this day, human rights are being violated in a massive scale without any sufficient intervention. The United States has not done enough to help innocent people. Celebrities such as Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, and George Clooney have increased the awareness of the atrocities happening in Darfur. Many people, including students, have done many things to increase awareness as well. Many have organized protest, students have raised money to donate to charity organizations that help solve the conflict in Darfur, and thousands of people have signed petitions so governments will take the situation seriously.

Over 2,000,000 dead, over 2.5 million people displaced from their homes, and the killing hasn’t stopped. If the governments of the world are not doing enough, when will they? It’s time for the people to stand up and make a difference, to not be afraid of their governments. People need to gather up and bring the problem to congress and demand answers.