Dream of Egypt, the Sea, a strange building in the Alps... HELP!?


New member
Jul 7, 2008
I had the strangest/weirdest dream last night! SO WEIRD

I wanted to visit the Mediterranean coast in Egypt. I refused to go to the Red Sea cost or to follow the Nile.

[[I have been in Egypt in 2005 for a class on tourism]]

Scene 1: Anyways, I was forced to take a trip along the Nile to Cairo and the river looked so different! It was clear blue and there were rocks that you could see through the clear water. Anyways, I was still not satisfied, because I wanted to bath in the Med Sea. And I was in a boat and complaining about it.

Scene 2: I’m with a person (don't remember who it was, man or woman) and we’re walking on an oceanway and as we pass, I can see different parts, like in a window store; one of these “windows” was a growling sea, it looked aggressive, almost like a tsunami but on pause mode. It was far from us, but I was still afraid that it was going to get to us, so I asked the person I was walking with, that we needed to get away from it fast. The person responded “no. don’t worry”, but then some water coming from the waves far away started to gently hit our feet. So off we went.

Scene 3: All of a sudden, I am in a country that looks like Switzerland and me and some relatives are walking in the Alps. We parked the car next to a strange looking building with a round dome on top, like a weird mosque hidden in the woods on a hill. The weather was typically fall and there was no snow yet.

[[I have been in the Alps for a hiking vacation when I was 15 years old with the relatives seen in my dream]].

I felt like I was in a pilgrimage. It looked mysterious and gloomy and people were barely speaking to each other.

[[My family members and relatives are non-religious and I am an atheist and I’ve never been in a pilgrimage]]

We went down the hill to some strange place that I don't recall and then back to the round dome building again. Except that on our way back, I insisted to use the same way back that we used on our way down. I started to head there, but was stopped by my uncle. He wanted me to take another road, like the rest of them. And I saw a flock of people going to a gate that my uncle was pointing at. And I looked around and realized that nobody, not a single soul wanted to take my suggestion of road back up to the dome. Everybody was at the gate. So I decided to follow the crowd.

I got inside the gate. And we were a bit late. It was suddenly colder and the ground was a tad bit icy. My other relatives were far ahead, in front of us and they were walking with some strange accessories on their shoes. And as I catch up on the others, I hear people saying “ you need to sprinkle XXX on your shoes otherwise you will slip”… and I was like “what?”, then someone pointed at the gate again and said that I will find it there. my uncle calls me and says “no need to, we don’t need any”. But I don't listen this time. I got to a room nearby the gate. I found a basket full of this XXX (don’t remember what it was) and it looked like detergent powder. And then there was another basked with the same accessories that I saw on people’s shoes. It looked like anti-slippery thingies. So I searched in the basked to find two pairs that would fit me and my uncle. I remember that there was only one pair that was black and I took it for myself. The rest of them were transparent in color. Anyways, I was holding them in my hands and somehow I managed to lose them on the floor several times. But then my uncle found me and I gave him the slippery protective accessories.

That’s when my dream ends.
It was the weirdest dream ever!

additional info: I am 32 years old and single and I have traveled to both Switzerland and Egypt before.