Don't you realize that gay marriage promotes fairness & self-reliance?

Aug 11, 2008
In a heterosexual marriage........
stereotypes pressure society to follow these distatseful rules and norms:
-financial burden on man
-man must be older than woman
-if either spouse stays home (instead of working), that spouse must be the woman.
-when they divorce, the woman has potential to collect 50% of the assets even though she only contributed 20% of the income.
-man has to pay woman alimony

In a homosexual marriage, that doesn't least not as often.

Gay marriage promotes a 50-50 partnership.
Gay marriage promotes self-reliance, anti-mooching.
Gay marriage promtes true love; not love for money.
hillbilly: By your logic, old people shouldn't marry. neither should infertile people.
oh geez. are you really saying homosexual divorce is better then straight people divorce? that is really twisted and perverted thinking.
in a perfect world you are wright . but unfortunately this is not a perfect world there for you will always have opposition to it so get over it
Take the word "marriage" out of the equation where the state is concerned. Make them all civil unions... contracts. Apply the same terminology regardless of the sexual orientation of the couple. This will still offer the legal protection for both parties that a "marriage" contract offers today. Then, whatever religious association people want to give to the ceremony or whatever they want to call it... so be it. As long as two people are consenting adults I really don't care who becomes legally bonded to whom.

Edit - @ Yay Math - Are you saying that heterosexual athiests shouldn't be "married" since they reject the bible?