Does your Mother in law annoy the holy living @$%& out of you? This is a


New member
Sep 21, 2011
rant. Why do you hate yours? I met mine when i was 8 months pregnant! She had disappeared off the face of the planet but when she heard through the grapevine that she was going to be a Grandma she appeared out of nowhere. Kinda like I couldn't handle being a mother but I want to be a grandma!! Then she started bugging and suddenly coming over everyday!!!! As if she was welcome after being gone for years? And to me a stranger!!

Then I wanted to breastfeed and she wants to watch the baby soooo badly that she saved some cans of formula that came to her in the mail with someone elses name on it...and has offered on many occasions to watch him and tries to convince me that he is old enough to have formula...(this has been going on since he was two months old..he is now five months old...) even though she knows that breast milk is best for him..she is so selfish she would give him formula just so she can watch him?? It is apparent that her priority is HERSELF.

I took the formula from her house and threw it away!! Trying to snatch my baby away and give him formula??? For her own selfish reasons.

She watched him once for twenty minutes and she had him on Skype and she has drove her whole family nuts because all she talks about and brags about is being a grandma when she abandoned her own children and ran off and got married in another country (when they were in their late teens) Disappeared!!! Some nerve I think! And she also tried to have a baby when she was fifty!! Just a few years ago!! But the doc said it may be retarded so she didn't go through with it....

She barged in on my delivery too! A stranger and she sat there the whole time taking pics of me and sending them to people that i dont know...she sat on the phone in Korean the whole time broadcasting everything to her whole family that I have never even met! They all have pics of me floating around that I have never even seen! I didnt know her well enough to tell her to get out! She made it very uncomfortable for me and invited herself into the surgery room( i had a c-section) and took it upon herself to cut my sons umbilical cord!!! (my husband was in texas working) she had no business!!
I did not want to be rude by asking her to leave? Thought she might be offended or something...nobody else was there. Just her!
I mean I just think she should have ASKED me before she cut the umbilical cord and asked me if i wanted her to leave. I kept hinting to her to leave like why dont u go get something to eat? or you can come back later...and so ....she refused to leave the room for twelve hours!!! i tried to tell her to leave without being rude about i would just say GET OUT! thats what i should have done...
Oh please. You did not know her well enough to tell her to leave? Isn't that an oxymoron? Why would you ever let a stranger in your delivery?
Just grit your teeth and bare her. Cause she won't go away, and letting her get to you will only make it worse, once she knows she can get to you, the more she'll try...
My MIL abandoned my hubby when he was 18 months old. She took her oldest daughter with her, leaving her other daughter (aged 3 at the time). My hubby has seen her a total of 7 times in 30 years. Anyways, a few years ago, she turned up out of the blue and invited her self to stay. She wanted to meet our daughters. She showered them with love, pissed my hubby off with ranting on about my FIL who raised my hubby and SIL by himself, then left. We haven't seen her or spoken to her since and that was 4 years ago! My kids remember her and miss their 'nana' like mad. That woman has no business in our home ever again!!!!!.