Does AT&T/Verison/Sprint have Unlimited Data plans(3G, 4G, 4G LTE) for iPhone 5?


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Cost? So I'm getting the new iPhone 5 for my 16th birthday when I get into legal working age and can pay for it(My parents said that I can't have an iPhone until I can pay for it but said they'll pay the first month which would be enough time to let me build for its monthly charge)and I all ready use the Internet ALOT at home(and often hack the school internet but they got WAY to many restrains they even restrain Y! Answers and google images) but I watch anime download manga and apps surf the net watch YouTube allot and since its an iPhone ill be using maps since i like exploring and when(or if)they make the iOS 6 iPhone 5 jailbreak (Which I know were not sure if they will or not)But I WILL be jailbreaking which will only increase my usage and I all ready know limited data isn't gonna cut it even half way

So I'm asking does AT&T have unlimited Data plans for 4G LTE and if so how much are they? If they don't have it for AT&T then what about Verison and Sprint I know Sprint has it do how much for Sprint? Thanks :)