Does anybody else think that women or men are going to lose their rights in


New member
Jul 27, 2008
the future? Just think… There are only so many jobs in this country and the population continues to grow more and more everyday. Pretty soon there won't be enough jobs to accommodate everyone. New jobs are created but not nearly at the rate of population growth. Jobs are getting harder and harder to find as more and more competition is always being born. Eventually only the best of the best will have a job and all the rest of us will be homeless. You can already see this beginning to happen because I see people with college level educations being forced to work jobs that they are way over-qualified for. They say that nobody is hiring and they are stuck working fast-food with a 4 year degree. I’ve even seen a person with a PhD working at a McDonald’s! That’s crazy!

So the population will still grow because people aren’t going to stop having sex and getting knocked up. That increases the homeless rates even more and more and more to the place that a huge chunk of Americans will be living on the streets. This epidemic will be so devastating to the government because when people are desperate to survive they will steal and kill if they have to. That means all these homeless people will be taking from those who have the money and the food. And with the numbers being so large, the government will have no choice but to kill the homeless off to protect the rich and enforce pregnancy standards as well as forced abortions across the board.

But before things get that bad though somebody’s going to bring up “population consolidation” and that’s going to pass into law. That will mean that women will have to give up their jobs and return to the house and only their husbands will be allowed to work. But they might make it so that it has nothing to do with women at all and that the most qualified person in a committed relation ship is allowed to work. That would come down to who has the most credentials or better education or experience. In most cases though, I think men will be the ones working.

Single people (male and female) might be forced into some strange situation that forces strangers to have to take care of each other in group homes of some sort. Of course, nobody is going to like that idea so more single men and women will feel that marriage is a better alternative.

Anyways, I can foresee something like this happening in the next 100+ years or so since the population has grown so fast and jobs just can’t keep up. Some sort of control will have to be put on the people and that will mean that rights will be taken away. I’m thinking more women will lose their rights to work than men just based on current statistics about which gender works the most, but it might come down to a mutual agreement between a husband and wife of who’s going to work. They might even be able to alternate working every 6 months or every other year. Kids will probably be forced to stay in their parents care until they complete college or a trade school before they are able to marry and start working a job.

Something like this is definitely going to happen in the future. Of course, since only 1 person will be working, that one person’s income will be enough to support a family. It will be sort of like the 1940s - 60s where only 1 income was more than enough to support a single family.

So, what do you think? I'm not hoping women will lose their rights or anybody for that matter, but the government will have to step in one day and control this growth somehow. They aren't just going to let the homless epidemic grow to the place that half the population is on the streets and starving.
Don't stress. We're going to have WWIII and that'll bring the population down some.


Please lighten up! Go watch the movie Solent Green..oh wait don't! lol