Do you have Sprint iphone, please answer on 3G and 4G data?


New member
May 1, 2013
I currently have an iphone with At&t. I feel that almost every month, I am going over my data plan or in danger of going over my data plan. I don't want to upgrade to a larger data plan because I feel I already pay to much for my bill.

Originally, I wanted an iphone with Sprint...but I went with At&t because people on Sprint were complaining that their data was too slow. I went to At&t because I wanted to have the fastest data (3G at the time, now it's 4G with At&t...I have the iphone 4S) that I could afford. Well, I didn't think I would go over my data every month--- At&t had told me that hardly anyone goes over and they gave me some small percentage like 5% of our customers go over their data plan....Now, under contract...I know that's bull****.

SO, my questions to all of you who have an iphone under Sprint:
1. Do the iphone 4S and iphone 5 get 4G in Sprint? (iphone 5s gets 4G LTE in at&t)
2. Does the 3G actually suck at Sprint? What is your experience with 3G?
3. Can you stream videos like YouTube and Netflix in 3G? 4G?
EDIT: I just went to the Sprint website and found the answer to my first question. Iphone 4S gets 3G and iphone 5 gets 4G LTE.