Could I be a model? Please be gentle lol?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Hi all! Past girlfriends of mine have said I should maybe try and get into modelling, Im just wondering what you guys think. I've been training for years so it would be nice to get something out of it. Please be gentle lol Thanks people x

p.s these were photos taken by a mate of mine, never done this before I was so nervous
i think you could definitely have a modelling career.

i think your best bet would be jeans, swimwear and underwear. your Strong point is definitely your body and you slightly rough looking face.

get a portfolio together and go to all the modelling agencies you can. im sure you ll book something

good luck! xx <3
From the neck up you look like Swampy mate, but you certainly have the body for it. Maybe lose that wild mop of hair, or trim it back a bit - whatever you do, do something with it. My local Big Issue seller has better groomed hair than that.
probably but your upper body is disproportionaly muscular compared to your lower body. hit up the squat rack.
Yes you could become a model... you are handsome and i really like the third and fourth picture. By the way, i love/adore the color of your eyes! They stand out and catches our attention like a magnet! I agree with the others, i think you should either trim your beard or shave it off completely. Good Luck!