Citalopram and anxiety/jitters?


New member
Nov 22, 2011
I have recently been prescribed 20 mg per day citalopram (6 days ago) for severe anxiety and moderate depression. I have also been given Diazepam as I was told that I may initially need it for the 'jitters' the AD can cause for the first week or two.

However I didn't realise these jitters would be SO bad. It seems to come in waves where I literally can't keep still - bouncing, rocking, clenching fists, wringing hands, tapping... I had a small bout of this yesterday but it seems to have really kicked in today (5th day of meds). I don't like taking the diazepam during the day time as it makes me zone out completely - I end up almost zombified.

On top of this, my anxiety seems to have increased a little too. I don't want to leave the house (though this is nothing new for me) and am jumping at the slightest noises and keeping as far away from people as possible. I also keep having panic attacks for no apparent reason.

Other than that, I've only had minor side effects such as dry mouth and tiredness (until yesterday when the restlessness began). I would just like to know if anyone has any idea how long these jitters will last?? Is it something I should just stick out (as I know that the drugs need a couple of weeks to feel the benefits), or should I talk to my Dr about changing?

Thanks a lot, I appreciate any advice.