Can you help me with my schedule?? I'm bored lol?


New member
May 23, 2008
Stupid question i know, but i'm bored. I have a couple things I need to do. In what order should I do them???

Finish Homework (this should take me about 45 minutes...I'm doing this first)
Call my friend about the science fair project
Go on Facebook (I promised my bf I'd be on at 7)
Go for a run
Organize/File the papers in my binder
Practice Piano
Work on my song
Work on my novel

What should I do second, third and so on???
Okay; I think that you should put everything in that exact order EXCEPT for going on facebook; tell your friends to get on later; you should always go on facebook with your friends last because friend stuff cannot ever be put enough to focus on other things, once started. Lmao, everything else is fine, just relax. I hope that I was helpful :)
1- Finish homework
2- Call your friend about the project
3-Organize your papers in your binder
4- Go for a run, it's good for you.
5-Practice piano. If you hate it, stop. If you love it, more power to you.
6-Work on your song
7-Work on your novel
(even though these last 2 will get you nowhere but if it makes you happy....)
8- Then get on Facebook.That Bullshit can wait until you are done with everything else.....