Can someone please explain to me Einstiens theory of relativity as it


New member
Sep 24, 2008
relates to traveling the speed of light? According to Einstien it is against physics to be able to travel faster then the speed of light.

"In normal physics, nothing can move faster than the speed of light. Einstein's theory of relativity forbids it. In normal space any object approaching the speed of light will increase in mass exponentially, and require an exponential increase in the amount of power needed to propel it forward".

Will someone please explain this to me in less complex terms.
Yes, I got it from the warp drive article
why will an object have more mass as it gets closer to the speed of light? Lets take a space ship for example, and lets say they create a new engine that allows for a chemical reaction that pushes the ship forwards at great speed. What would cause that ship to gain more mass as it got closer to the speed of light? I still just dont understand what makes it impossible. I guess i just am not very smart when it comes to physics.
Simply stated, no mass cannot be accelerated to the speed of light. The closer it gets to the speed of light, the more energy it needs to get closer. However, it will never reach the speed of light, no matter how much energy is used to accelerate it. However, particles that have no mass, such as photons, always move at the speed of light.
The speed of light, 186000 miles per second, doesnt change. Imagine yourself with a flashlight. You are traveling at the speed of light. You turn on the flashlight, regardless of your speed, light is still traveling away from you at 186000 miles per second.
Did you get that form that thing on Warp Speed on MSN?

Anyway, it means that it the faster to light speed it travels, the more mass the object will have, and will require more power to keep it going forwards.