Can anyone give me some good fashion advice?


New member
Jun 6, 2008
I'm a guy, and I've always been really skinny, I'm 5 foot 6 and 120 lbs. A couple of weeks ago, a female friend told me a good way to stay awake was to take diet pills, because they have a lot of caffine. She gave me a bunch of the pills she takes, Zalestrim, fenphedra, curvelle and nuperk.

They did keep me awake, but over the course of a month, I've noticed a lot of changes in my body. My butt has gotten bigger, my hips wider, and my chest has gotten a lot different. I've stayed the same weight though.

Can anyone offer me any outfit suggestions? I'm the same weight, my body shape has just drastically changed. My waist has gotten smaller, but it's hard to pull my jeans over my hips and butt because they're bigger. My butt really sticks out, and kinda wiggles back and forth when I walk.

My pecs have gotten bigger too, but more round and soft and farther out, not like muscle, and they jiggle a bit as well, and push my t-shirts out, which makes them uncomfortable and poor-fitting. They're not saggy at all, but very perky and soft.

Please send me your suggestions on what I can wear. I'm going shopping tomorrow for clothes, as lots of my current ones don't fit. Does anyone know any stores for my body type? I feel the same, although I walk a little different because of the size of my hips.

My new shape doesn't bother me, I just dunno what I can wear with it. Please send me some links/suggestions on outfits, whatever would look with my new shape. I look pretty much like my avatar, face and hair-wise, or pm me for a picture

I know diet pills are bad for my health, I'm just interested in what I can wear with this new shape. Links would be great and I give points
as far as my measurements go, and I think I took them correctly, I'm 34-24-34. Dunno where I was at before, but I think my hips were more around 30 or 28.