ATI Radeon HD 5870 Price is variant :S?


Active member
May 12, 2008
Well i know only very little about graphics card. but i want to get the Sapphire Radeon HD 5870 1 GB DDR5 because it looks like a very good card unless you can tell me for a better and cheaper one. But the problem is that when i go to the shop in amd theres ton load of 5870's hell man there's even one that cost's 1,314$! so what's the point? since the one i want is 345$!!!!. oh yeah sorry for the double question but but my pc dimensions are 16.85"(L) x 6.97"(W) x 15.32"(H) and the graphics card are 9.8 x 4 x 14.8 inches i really don't if it will actually "fit" in or im going to have some trouble in it( i am not in the US and i don't use the inch in this country) , in case the card does not fit are there any solutions?

Thank YOU! very much for taking your time to answer this :p
Why a 5870? They don't even make those anymore. You could grab a Radeon 6950 that would soundly beat a 5870 for a bit over $200.