At what point during pregnancy can they start to determine the sex of the baby?


New member
Aug 29, 2011
I have a friend who has a CRAZY girlfriend that uses him and cheats on him. This girl is claiming she is preggers with his baby. I think she is lying and trying to get money out of him. She sent him a picture message of an ultra sound that looked like it was done in the 3rd trimester and said it was HER ultra sound and the baby was 10 weeks old and it was a boy. But I thought it was too early to determine the sex at such an early point in the pregnancy.
Ultrasound is most accurate between 18-22 weeks. It is normally done at the fetal anatomy survey done in the mid-second trimester.
If she cheats on him how can he be sure its his kid?
I found out I was having a boy at 16 weeks and that was with a 3-D ultrasound. You cannot tell the sex of the baby at 10 weeks. My 16 weeks was pushing it and that was a clearer picture than a regular ultrasound.