Are vegans the product of miss information from this Juggernaut that we've got ?

Jan 10, 2009
If you are vegans for ethical reasons this isn't for you. I don't like the way the meat industry treats animals either. That is why I support grassland and have my grass feed free range poultry delivered to my door.

Many people say that the vegan diet is healthy because it is low in cholesterol. The cholesterol gimmick is nothing but, a scam based on false science.

Did you know that the majority of the dry weight of the brain is comprised of cholesterol?
Did you have any idea that the sheath nerve endings from the top of your head to the bottom of your spine are wrapped in cholesterol?
Did you know that cholesterol serves as a conductor for the transmission of all nerve ending throughout the body?
Did you know that if you received even the slightest 1/4 inch cut, you would bleed to death if not for cholesterol?

Johns Hopkins University studied children that were fed low cholesterol diets from birth. The study concluded and confirmed that this was the reason they all suffered stunted brain growth.

Cholesterol manufactures every hormone in the human body, every one of them: progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, T1, T3 by the thyroid, etc. It's a natural function of your body. Your liver manufactures cholesterol all day long. You couldn't have sex without cholesterol.

All cholesterol is good for you. Now vegans love eating soy food . Soy has not and will never be a health food. I eat that foods that nature provided and I am healthy because of it not the food scientist create becausue they think are healthy. We have evolved to eat the food nature provided or were created by god to eat the food nature provided.

Look at people like Weston Price who studied healthy people . THey lived a hunter gather style life and were very healthy. ( Just google weston price native american) THEY ate meat and little plant products.

Did you know that 60-70% of heart attack victims have NORMAL cholesterol levels? The cholesterol myth has done nothing to reduce heart disease. As saturates fat intake has gone down, heart disease has risen. Go figure!

Vegetable oils,Fructose,Soy, Sugar are the responsible for this disease epidemic.

0The Eskimos had no carbohydrates and no fiber in their diets but suffered no detectable health effects.

In fact, their health was excellent with absolutely no dental caries,
no heart disease,
no cancer and excellent bone health.
ust because you are a vegetarian does not mean you are healthy. Same goes for meat eaters.

It appears that the soy phytoestrogens increased the risk of the birth defect by 500%.

Not only are the soy phytoestrogens an issue, but most vegetarians consume far too little protein and far too many grains.

However, the vegetables, or course, are a huge benefit and to provide some partial compensation in some areas.
I have the book is crap.

Campbell summarizes the 8,000 statistically significant correlations found in the China Study in the following statement: "people who ate the most animal-based foods got the most chronic disease." He also claims that, although it is "somewhat difficult" to "show that animal-based food intake relates to overall cancer rates," that nevertheless, "animal protein intake was convincingly associated in the China Study with the prevalence of cancer in families."
From his book:

"Sugar, soluble carbohydrates, and fiber all have correlations with cancer mortality about seven times the magnitude of that of animal protein, and total fat and fat as a percentage of calories were both negatively correlated with cancer mortality."
Mothers with a vegetarian diet in the first half of pregnancy had a 4.99 times greater risk of having a boy with hypospadias compared with mothers who included meat in their diets, the researchers report. In addition, mothers who took iron supplements had double the normal risk of having a boy with hypospadias, and influenza during the first 3 months of pregnancy increased the risk of by just over three times.

BJU International January 2000;85