Anyone with Nextel or Cricket....


New member
Jul 15, 2008
I have a nextel phone, and I'm trying to send my bf, who has a cricket phone, a picture. When he gets the picture, it says "undentified media type." I called nextel, went through troubleshooting, and it wasn't on my end. I have an i880. My bf has a slider phone w/ cricket, but idk what kind. Anyway, has anyone ever had this problem, and what did you do/what happened? Thanks for answering, and God bless!

I can receive and see his pictures. My friend who has T-mobile gets my pictures. The nextel guy oddly gave me his personal number to send a picture to (weirdness) and he doesn't have nextel or sprint and he got the picture. My friend who has metro can't see the picture. So i'm assuming that maybe nextel has updated its mms or something idk b/c on my old i880 my bf got my pics but it was defective (screen went upside down) and i got a new i880.
all my contacts get my text msgs and i get theirs. it's just my bf that can't get my pic messages. i think it's on his end b/c another friend of mine has a metro and it doesn't work w/ his phone either.
its nextel cuz i got a nextel fone and half the people on my contacts i cant even send a text to but they can send a text to me nextel just sucks ass the sooner u can get off their network the better im still waiting for my contract 2 expire and that guy that wanted a pic sent 2 him is a freak