Any Tips for a Basketball Newbie?


New member
Sep 10, 2013
Hey guys
Basically I made a choice forever, I've always shown some interest in Basketball, and 2 of my friends play in a Basketball team here in Portugal named: Barreirense .
During school we have a 30 minutes break and we play basketball on the field, I gotta tell you it's pretty nice, I guess I do like Basketball a lot.
I can't stop practising and trying to get better, and now that summer vacation is almost ending I agreed with a daily practise with my friends... For me, height doesn't matter. They might be 6'2 and stuff, but even knowing I'm only 5'3 that doesn't stop me from giving it a shot, I'm 14 years old, I guess I'm still "Fresh".

So what I'm looking for is:
1- A Website where I can watch or read NBA lastest news.
2- Tips for keeping my body in shape. (Healthy diet...etc)
3- Nice stretching exercises
4- How short does a Basketball goal need to be in order for me to dunk? (Remember I'm only 5'3...)

Thanks in advance!
About my Vertical Jump, it's around 20-25 inches. + the 25 inches my arms give me when they're stretched up...