Anime Quiz : Are you an Otaku?


Feb 17, 2008
Hello everybody ! Thank you for the great responce to my previous anime quiz, it was really fun reading everybody's answers... I tried to pick a different range of genres, and of course, this is just a fun test and doesn't prove at all that you are/aren't an Okatu ! If you haven't checked out my previous anime quiz, please do, Its a whole lot of fun!!! :D And on the bottom of your answers, tell me what other kind of quizzes you'd like to see next (character names, OST's, based on specific animes .. etc). I'm creating a quiz based on studio ghibli movies as well ( so it'll be much easier :p) ..

This quiz is based on CHARACTERS. So here's 20 anime character questions... pretty much the name of the game is that no peeking at other people's answers till you've finished your own (or else it ruins the fun!) and the person with the most correct answers will get best answer. Even if someone has already answered all of them, do it anyway... you never know. I hope everyone enjoys this quizzzz :D

1. He cries, he whines, he cowers, he chants a constant mantra about how he "mustn't run away" before promptly running away several times throughout Neon Genesis Evangelion.
2. A famous animal character from a famous studio ghibli movie. In fact, you can see his picture on dvd covers as a symbol of the studio ghibli studio.
3. This male protagonist believes he is a god, well, he tries to play the part. He has a special power which can manipulate people, turning his eye red. Possibly one of the most sexiest anime characters ever (okok, that part was just my opinion ^^)....
4. A man, made of rubber who bounces back whenever you hit him. Under his eye left, he has a stitch ( if you've ever noticed) and he has a hat tied to the back around his neck.
5. Possibly one of the most arrogant anime characters ever. He is the "prince" of all saiyans.
6. You would not believe the size of this guy's sword. And when he does that whole thing where he hollers "BANKAI!" real loud, the sword gets even bigger. Oh, don't forget his orange hair!
7. A cute little blonde boy who is famous for his song "who's in the forest strolling, the birds and the bees sing .... "
8. Strange yet lovable anime character love puts about a million sugar lumps in his tea and has the heaviest bags under his eyes. Put down his alias name and REAL name.
9. Famous singer who sings "Meikyuu Butterfly". Has the most beautiful blonde hair and has a crush on her brother !
10. Awkard gentleman who pilots the Saviour and Justice. Son to a man who was once chairman of the PLANTS ...
11. A half demon who turns into a human every full moon ( it will be a sad day when someone doesnt know the answer to this .. )
12. A bubbly little girl who tries to live the best without her mother. She likes to draw, corn and shellfish. She has a crush on and is protective of a relative she lives with (0who is a playboy.)
13. A 11 year old girl cast as a member of the tv show "child's toy". She is often hassled by a boy in her classroom but later in the series, ends up having feeling for him.
14. The head of the "Sohma" family who isn't placed a zodiac curse like the other 12 members but is forced to live a short life.
15. He is the demon king and is accidently engaged to a blonde haired boy. He travels back and forth to a world transported through a water portal.
16. A blue haired fiesty high school chick who is one of the whispered. Her name rhymes with the Japanese word for "Green".
17. An incest anime, based on two twins who attend the same high school. One twin developes feelings for the other and because he cant resist his temptation, he applies for a transfer to another school. They share the same bedroom. Name BOTH twins.
18. A very ancient and powerful vampire, he serves as an Organization's most powerful operative and vampire expert and its "trump card".
19. Reincarnation of a famous prietess who was tricked into killing her lover. She travels 500 years into the past to feudel Japan.
20. The pink pop princess, who is a co ordinator and has a little robot ball named "Mr. Pink"
21. A mysterious girl who "fell from the sky". She has split personalities, and her appearance changes depending on which one is dominant; her "good" personality is characterized by red hair and green eyes, and her "evil" personality is characterized by pink hair and red eyes.

Sorry I lie, 21 questions. Anyway hope you have fun :pP and put any other suggetions for me :D