A cameraman on a pickup truck is traveling westward at 21 km/h while he...


New member
Mar 18, 2011
...videotapes a cheetah that is moving we? A cameraman on a pickup truck is traveling westward at 21 km/h while he videotapes a cheetah that is moving westward 30 km/h faster than the truck. Suddenly, the cheetah stops, turns, and then runs at 45 km/h eastward, as measured by a suddenly nervous crew member who stands alongside the cheetah's path. The change in the animal's velocity takes 1.9 s. (Use east as the positive direction.)

(a) What is its acceleration from the prespective of the cameraman? (m/s2)

(b) What is its acceleration from the perspective of the nervous crew member? (m/s2)