
  1. G

    Motorola Droid X and Droid 2 Overclocked from 1GHz to Whopping 2GHz [Android]

    Seriously, that's got to hurt. Two forum-posters calling themselves Team DeFuse are claiming they successfully managed to overclock both the Droid 2 and Droid X, taking them from a decent 1.0GHz to spectacular 2.0GHz. We'd be concerned for their safety, if we hadn't seen they survived the task...
  2. F

    "Ma Bell" Sent Me a Whopping Bill?

    To paraphrase the classic 80s Kurtis Blow rap "The Breaks", I just got a whoppin telephone bill! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiHEdKt5dEY (with lyrics on the right. 3rd paragraph down) It was a doozy. Know any songs that mention telephones, phone lines, phone calls, .......or phone...