
  1. M

    When will NKorea allow tourism and tourists to be welcomed to their country...

    ...and vacation there? I thought North Korea needs money.
  2. T

    Affordable Care Act Supreme Court Decision Welcomed By American Medical Association

    Jeremy A. Lazarus, MD, President of the American Medical Association (AMA), said that the AMA is pleased with the ruling by the Supreme Court to uphold health reform. Dr. Lazarus added that the AMA has always supported health insurance coverage for all US citizens. The decision means that...
  3. N

    What Headphones Should I get? Audiophiles welcomed..?

    I have recently looked into buying a good pair of headphones for my ipod. So far I have tried the klipsch image 1, which were VERY good, but overpriced (in my opinion), and the Sony XB500's, which had good bass, but muddy vocals and had unequal sounds. I returned both of these and looked on the...
  4. T

    Predictive Genetic Tests For Kids Welcomed By Most Parents

    The majority of parents appear to respond positively to having their children genetically tested for adult-onset risk of conditions and illnesses - known as predictive genetic testing, researchers from Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington revealed in the journal Pediatrics. They...
  5. L

    Why do people who immigrate to America simply assume that they will be welcomed here

    ? Yeah, Yeah, “Bigot”, “Racist” all the Politically Correct watchwords, I can see it now. But, lest you forget, many of the founders of America would now be labeled with these same “P.C.” terms: Bigot, Racist, Slaveholder. So, as to my Question: WHY??? For instance, I would like to “invade”...
  6. L

    Which of these two prefaces sounds best? Thanks! Criticism is welcomed...

    ...just don't be mean. :3? Preface In the year 2013 everything as we knew it changed. A small group of explorers and scientists discovered a small island a few miles west of Madagascar. It was a very small island but the group had no idea how it could have remained hidden for such a long time...
  7. L

    Which of these two prefaces sounds best? Thanks! Criticism is welcomed...

    ...just don't be mean. :3? Preface In the year 2013 everything as we knew it changed. A small group of explorers and scientists discovered a small island a few miles west of Madagascar. It was a very small island but the group had no idea how it could have remained hidden for such a long time...
  8. U

    Grey’s Anatomy-Another Welcomed Addition!

    Grey's Anatomy is one of the best shows I've seen in a world of reality TV shows the way as well. I'll be the first to admit that I've never really been into medical shows. I bought the first season of the series on DVD for several reasons. First, because I knew watched Katherine Heigl, who...
  9. W

    Do me a favor?! :) Guys and girls welcomed lol.?

    Rate me yeah? My boyfriend said I'm a 7 or an 8.. His best friend said I'm a 6 or a 7.... So rate? 1 - 10 scale. Thank you! http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs466.ash1/25573_383422827658_552907658_4092756_5764569_n.jpg...
  10. S

    "Celestine Prophecy" and Romanticism poem [any insights welcomed]?

    the movie "Celestine Prophecy" and how it helps you further understand the elements of nature/romanticism anyone want to build upon these examples? *Wordsworth’s sonnet, “The World Is Too Much with Us” and the conflict he portrays between the urban society he resides in and the natural world...