
  1. B

    Funny lump/bump next to my uvula?

    About a month ago I discovered this funny lump/bump next to my uvula. It is not painful but it seems to be slightly bigger than a month ago.... I am now taking pictures every week to monitor and see whether it is actually getting bigger. Do I need to be concerned? What can it be? I am a 23...
  2. K

    A piece of skin hanging from my uvula!?

    its been there about 1 or 2 years i went to the doctors and she said they could of cut it off then or it will just come off in a month or week but its been about 2 years and i just looked today and its stretching farther. what it looks like is a skinny piece about the same size of my uvula with...
  3. R

    I have an extra piece hanging off of my uvula (bell in throat). I've had it for

    years now. What could it be? I think it's getting bigger.